Kindness of Son to Father
Abraham sends Eliezer to find a spouse for Isaac. Isaac goes to a particular place in the south of Israel called Beer-lahai-roi. What is...
Stark Contrasts
Although petty and selfish behavior can be annoying, it’s usually possible to ignore or turn a blind eye to it. However, when we’ve...
Immodesty of Egypt
It's impossible to deny: we are affected by our environment (at least to varying degrees). Living in an environment that projects...
Desire Reward
There's an amazing principle in Judaism that HaShem judges our desires to do mitzvahs as if they were already accomplished deeds. This...
Baruch Hashem!
"Baruch Hashem!" Hashem is, was, and always will be. He is the master of all. However, Hashem left one entity untethered in His creation...
Ignoring Love
Doing G-d’s will, over and above what one personally loves most, is the essence of a Jew’s purpose in this world – and Abraham...