The Call of the Shofar
The sound of the Shofar calls us to awaken from the illusions of this world and refocus on our spiritual journey. While teshuva...
Getting In Step
This week's parsha is always the last parsha before the New Year. It is fitting that it contains the mini-portion nicknamed, parshas...
Containment of Shemini Atzeret
If you are like me, the classic "New Year's" resolution looks like the following . . . get inspired, commit to going to the gym this year...
The (Future) Praise of Nations
"Hear O Israel, Hashem is our God, Hashem, the One and Only." (Deut. 6:4) We are taught the words "our God" is a reference to now when...
Anxiety & Rosh HaShanah
What in the world is the connection between anxiety and Rosh HaShanah? Is it just that many of us worry whether our judgment on "The Day...
Where Must I Go To Return?
The shofar has begun to be blown daily in preparation for Rosh Hashanah. The piercing sound of the shofar is to WAKE US up. Awaken us...