Jacob the Sojourner
Jacob is traveling back to Israel after two decades. He hears that his brother, Eisav, is coming after him with four hundred men. Even...
Getting the Message Across
Telling someone they've done something wrong directly frequently is not the best way to communicate your message. A more round-a-bout...
Kindness of Son to Father
Abraham sends Eliezer to find a spouse for Isaac. Isaac goes to a particular place in the south of Israel called Beer-lahai-roi. What is...
Desire Reward
There's an amazing principle in Judaism that HaShem judges our desires to do mitzvahs as if they were already accomplished deeds. This...
Turning On A Dime
True greatness is being able to admit you are wrong while pivoting instantaneously to a new position. This is especially true when it's...
Ignoring Love
Doing G-d’s will, over and above what one personally loves most, is the essence of a Jew’s purpose in this world – and Abraham...