From Miracles to Mitzvot

When going through difficult times, one should engage in prayer, charity, and spiritual growth.
An additional powerful tool for earning Divine merit is making a commitment, even while still facing the challenge, to give charity or elevate one's observance of a mitzvah in the hopes of experiencing salvation. Such a commitment serves as a source of Divine merit, since when we do what Hashem wants, He is more likely to help us with what we want.
Ideally, this commitment should be something slightly challenging - just beyond your usual reach. It could be a mitzvah you've been meaning to start but need a push to begin.
This is exactly what the Maccabees did.
Before they even began their war against the Greek army, they made a commitment to channel the inspiration from the victory they hoped for, not just to rededicate the Beit HaMikdash, but to reinvigorate their commitment to its service with renewed enthusiasm.
This commitment turned the inspiration of their victory into the flames of the Chanukah menorah we still light today, enabling them to fulfill their vow as expressed in the Chanukah prayers: "I will fulfill my vows to Hashem."