Small Steps, Great Impact
Dedicating a small but consistent amount of time to daily Torah study can have astounding results. Although 5 to 10 minutes a day can...
Omer of Manna
"Torah can only be acquired by those who ate the Mun (Manna from heaven)." ~ Our Sages from the Midrash From the second day of Passover...
Love Respectfully
One of the major problems encountered in marriage is when men objectify their wives as a tool to satisfy their needs. This quickly...
Heeding Authority
Deference to previous generations and the need to take guidance from a mentor is part and parcel of the Torah framework. When one has a...
Open & Hidden Miracles and Explainable Events
Purim is the hidden hand of G-d and hidden miracles. It represents the transition from the revealed hand of G-d and open miracles. This...
Decrees of the King
The Jewish people are built around mitzvot (commandments) and Torah learning. Torah learning is one of the 613 mitzvot and Torah learning...