Making Gold In Retirement
Retirement. Many people consider it a goal and begin planning for it at a young age. However, a Jew should never retire. That doesn't...
Blessings that "Reach" Us
We are all given various blessings throughout our days. Blessings do not become true blessings until we acknowledge them in our lives....
Small Steps, Great Impact
Dedicating a small but consistent amount of time to daily Torah study can have astounding results. Although 5 to 10 minutes a day can...
Omer of Manna
"Torah can only be acquired by those who ate the Mun (Manna from heaven)." ~ Our Sages from the Midrash From the second day of Passover...
Love Respectfully
One of the major problems encountered in marriage is when men objectify their wives as a tool to satisfy their needs. This quickly...
Heeding Authority
Deference to previous generations and the need to take guidance from a mentor is part and parcel of the Torah framework. When one has a...
Open & Hidden Miracles and Explainable Events
Purim is the hidden hand of G-d and hidden miracles. It represents the transition from the revealed hand of G-d and open miracles. This...
Decrees of the King
The Jewish people are built around mitzvot (commandments) and Torah learning. Torah learning is one of the 613 mitzvot and Torah learning...