Israel at War
From Israel to around the world, people are contributing in many ways to the war effort, including but not limited to battling the enemy and tzedakah for those suddenly in need.
All of these endeavors are extremely important, as we believe HaShem helps us when we are making the effort that is our responsibility.
It's also important for us to recognize how much we will need HaShem on our side, if we wish to succeed. Towards that end, the lesson learned from the High Holiday prayer book is essential, which is that evil decrees can be neutralized through repentance, prayer and tzedakah.
In addition, expressions of unity are crucial for strengthening our defenses, as our historical arch enemy, Haman, knew he could succeed when he saw we were scattered and disunified
Please consider:
Jewishly improving one part of your life
praying one, or all, of the following three Psalms Ch. 83 (which mentions our enemies, including those Ishmaelites, who are out to destroy us), 121 and 130
giving to charitable organizations helping our brothers and sisters in Israel (please feel free to call us for a recommendation if you need one)
consider working to forgive and make up with someone with whom you've been having difficulty