Knowing Your Child's Unique Ability

Everybody has unique skills. Some of us are doctors, lawyers, business people etc. And some of us are rabbis (and there are different kinds of rabbis, too). Going back nearly 4,000 years many of our rabbis and spiritual leaders have needed the support of lay people to survive.
This was Isaac's (failed) plan for Yaakov and Eisav. Yaakov was supposed to be the rabbi, and Eisav the businessman. This was also Yaakov's plan for the entire tribe of Yisachar and Zevulun -- and, later, at least for part of history, it came to fruition. And this was the relationship between the entire tribe of Levi (including the Cohenim) and the rest of Israel.
When Yosef brought Efraim and Menashe to Yaakov he placed Menashe on Yosef''s right because Yosef wanted Menashe to get the stronger blessing of the right. After all, he was older. But Yaakov wisely crossed his hands, putting the right hand on Efraim. Yet the Torah notes that Yaakov did this because Menashe was the firstborn. What does Yaakov crossing the right to Efraim have to do with Menashe being the firstborn? (It should have said Yaakov crossed his hands because Efraim was more deserving of the right!)
Actually, by not having the brothers switch places (placing Efraim on the right), Yaakov "wisely" arranged for both sons to receive the "right side" in a way that was unique to each of them. Menashe STOOD on the right side so he received the blessing of wealth and the ability to support himself and Efraim (standing symbolizes support). In contrast, Efraim received the blessing of the right hand, which symbolizes feeding the "seat" of spirituality (the head) through the mouth because he was in charge of being "the rabbi" of the family.
"Israel extended his right hand and laid it on Efraim's head though he was the younger and his left hand on Menashe's. He moved his hands with wisdom . . . "Genesis 48:14