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Opening to Sin

Regarding the verse “If it concerns the scorners, He scorns them, and unto the humble, Hashem gives grace” (Proverbs 3:34). Reish Lakish said: One who comes to become impure, i.e., to sin, Heaven, provides him with an opening to do so, and he is not prevented from sinning. However, if he comes to purify himself, not only is he allowed to do so, but  Heaven assists him. Talmud, Shabbat 104a

Hashem allows us to choose in which direction we want to go. One is not only allowed to do what is right and good but is ASSISTED! But for those who want to go in the opposite direction, Hashem gives them the "opening"/opportunity to sin. 

Bilaam is solicited by Balak, the king of Moav, to curse the Jews. Bilaam wants the contract. But he is a prophet at the end of the day and knows that he has to get the plan past Hashem. He tells the messengers of Balak to stay the night so that he can speak with Hashem about their request. Hashem comes to Bilaam and asks an informational-type question, "Who are these men with you?" 

Our sages teach us, that since Hashem is omniscient, any time He asks a seemingly informational question, He is offering the opportunity to enter into conversation (see Rashi, Genesis 3:9, when Hashem asks Adam, "Where are you?").  Hashem at the same time is giving the "opening" for one to believe Hashem is indeed NOT omniscient (which is false). The opening to be misled is provided to the one who seeks to be misled but the opportunity to enter into dialogue is fully available. The choice is Bilaam's. Bilaam chooses the opening to believe Hashem does not know everything and . . .  is misled by his own choices. 

"Hashem came to Bilaam and said, "Who are these men with you?", Bilaam said to Hashem, "Balak son of Tzipor, king of Moab, sent them to me." Numbers 22:9-10


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