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The Power of Rationalization

The powers of rationalization can overcome even obvious evidence for self-preservation. This may be especially true for the rationalization to attain power and honor. How much more so do we need to be careful of rationalizations for even smaller desires.

Korach and his followers all wanted to be leaders, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise if the power of rationalization affected them very much.

Korach and his followers must have known that G-d was on Moshe’s side. And one would think that Moshe’s prayer to G-d, which either way ended with the death of the traitorous group, would have scared them into righting their course. But it didn’t.

Moshe said, “Through this, you will know that HaShem sent me . . . If these die a natural death, then it is not HaShem Who has sent me. But if HaShem will . . . open (the earth’s mouth) and swallow them . . . then you shall know that these men have provoked HaShem.” Numbers 16:28-30


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