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Verbally Expressing What We Did Wrong

One of the critical steps of Teshuva (returning) is verbally expressing our wrong actions, thoughts, and emotions verbally to Hashem.

This process allows for a person to admit what they have actually done wrong vs. playing the all-to-human game of cover-up.  

Cain killed his brother Abel out of jealousy. He is set for punishment for the act of homicide alone. To add insult to injury, when conforted by Hashem- Cain denies any wrongdoing by saying, "I do not know where Abel is, am I my brother's keeper?" (Genesis 4:9).

Once denying his wrongdoing, Cain is destined to be a lifelong wanderer. After hearing his punishment to become a wandering soul indefinitely, he expresses to Hashem, "My sin is too great to bear."

Only then is Cain released from being a tragic lifelong nomad.  

"My sin too great to bear." Genesis 4:13* Concept based on Rav Aharon Lopiansky from his book, Time Pieces


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